Adicionado em 2 Abril, 2011 a
Just For Laughs Muscle man in training loses his hair when pumping his huge pipes. A presentation of the Just For...
Adicionado em 2 Abril, 2011 a
Just For Laughs Old man is stuck on a ever accelerating treadmill. Will anyone come to his help? A presentation of...
Adicionado em 2 Abril, 2011 a
Just For Laughs Girl at change office runs away at the back of a golf kart as people try to change...
Adicionado em 2 Abril, 2011 a
Just For Laughs City workers are cutting the down wrong tree in people’s front yards. A presentation of the Just For...
Adicionado em 2 Abril, 2011 a
Just For Laughs Bag roll thing at the supermarket just can’t stop turning once it’s started. A presentation of the Just...
Adicionado em 2 Abril, 2011 a
Just For Laughs Man checks his hair and puts on some lipstick for good measure. A presentation of the Just For...
Adicionado em 2 Abril, 2011 a
Just For Laughs Police officer has the runs so he kicks a man out of the porta potty to go himself....
Adicionado em 2 Abril, 2011 a
Just For Laughs women asked to test out a new dishwashing liquid are scared to death by a gloved monster hand...
Adicionado em 2 Abril, 2011 a
Just For Laughs Woman steals stuff from the supermarket using a baby carriage with a fake baby cry inside. A presentation...
Adicionado em 2 Abril, 2011 a
Just For Laughs Three handed man gently and respectfully gropes and grabs people’s legs under a table while they fill in...